Saturday 27 April 2013

I Will See the Sky Tonight...

I don't want to go there
Where you are not
Instead I will see the sky tonight
Will try to find you in the stars
And I know you will show your hand to me

Yes! I am not compelled by the distance
Time has given me
I can fly down if I wish
Because I have wings

But I don't want to go there
Where you are not
There is only the 'rest'
The soulless Body

Instead I will talk to your soul
My ears will have your voice
Which echos around ethereally
And I know you will answer me 
Because I am the first one
You holded her hands
After a generation gap

And it's you who is in me
Still giving your fraction
Until I am alive
So, I don't want to go there
Where you are not

You are in the paper
My hands are holding just now
In form of the 'words'
You had given me 
Some years back
When I truly needed them
Still I need them & always will be...

Infact It's not only me
Everyone who met you once
From your surrounding
Have you in the form of your words

Then Why should I go there
Where you are not
Instead I should see the sky tonight
Should search you out in the stars...

(From a granddaughter)

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